Saturday, January 9, 2010

Our Goals For You

Cloud 9 Financial Consulting does its consulting in a variety of ways. We can serve our domestic clients from anywhere in the world no matter where they are. And although international clients don’t have as many offered service packages as domestic clients. We will give you the same excellent service as we would if you lived only a block away.

We serve our clients with an emphasis on taking advantage of recent advances in technology. Here are some examples of these advances: cloud computing, Google wave, shared Google documents, and Skype, as well as WebEx. The different choices of technology separate us from almost every U.S. financial planning institution. While we will sometimes drive(and eventually fly) out to meet with you, our pride and joy is that we can meet with you virtually. We are also willing to provide consulting through phone calls.

Our consulting process is long but very thorough. The reason for this is that with more information, we can help you better than anyone else can. Our goal is to walk with you as you reach financial freedom, not to just send you on your way with a map.

Now, on to the good stuff.

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