Friday, November 5, 2010

An Undervalued Aspect in Investing

The most undervalued aspect of investing is the area that remains shrouded in gray.  Most believe that investing (and personal finance in general) is black and white. Either you invest in risky equities, or you invest in safe, bond-like securities. Either you spend as much as you make; or you hold on to every nickel and dime that you come in contact with. But what about the gray area? Or the area that you purposely shade in gray?

The gray area in investing would be asset allocation; for personal finance, the zeroed-out budgeting system. The so called “sweet spot” in either is usually identified by a financial planner (or someone of that kind of profession), or by an individual who is self-educated on what works best for their age and lifestyle mix.

In our opinion the most undervalued aspect of investing is due diligence. We harp on it time and time again, because with due diligence we have found Amazon, Apple, and Netflix to have unbelievable high returns over the last 2-2.5 years.  Through due diligence you’ll see that HP(Hewlett Packard) is poised to set the investing world on fire with it’s future earnings. Take into account it’s 2010 acquisitions and you will see the breadth of its product line is about to get more intuitive than ever before. More on that later.

Due diligence is what makes the world go around. And lucky for investors of the technology age, it’s easier now than ever to come across proprietary information. Sure the larger institution have their super-computer algorithms. But, people tend to have a way of adapting and adjusting in a way that an algorithm may not due to it’s mechanical nature. Always remember that when considering due diligence; management shifts, acquisitions, and financial statements can exploit some gray areas that computers themselves cannot take into account.

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